
Morpho Wish you a merry Christmas
Following the very successful Mûnchen ISPO Show end of November 2022, MORPHO wishes you a merry Christmas
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TRIMOOR also works for water weed cutting, Amazing!
TRIMOOR also works for water weed cutting, Amazing!
The TRIMOOR outstanding floatation surface avoids the end user/professional from sinking in the mud, provides with a light tool worn on your feet easing up the Water Weed cutting process

Morpho on FR 3 France national TV #Midi en France# program 13th of March 2017
Morpho on FR 3 France national TV #Midi en France# program 13th of March 2017
Lumio luminescent snowshoes by MORPHO

23/02/2017 Le Messager weekly Lake Geneva newspaper- Trimoor Moorshoes
Press article in 23/02/2017 Le Messager weekly Lake Geneva newspaper- Trimoor Moorshoes
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Introducing Trimove S Twin Tip W2016-2017
Morpho invents TRIMOVE S Twin Tip snowshoes, , new shape which allows going backwards
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Morpho on TV5 monde, 27th of May 2016, 18.20pm
Morpho onTV5 monde, 27th of May 2016, 18.20pm: JM Mechelany CEO of MORPHO inteviewed in the Economic news of TV5 Monde
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Great article in France's Usine nouvelle about MORPHO
Great article in France's Usine nouvelle of 10/04/2016 about MORPHO snowshoes
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LUMIO snowshoes available in Thonon @ Mountain services
LUMIO luminescent snowshoes now available at MOUNTAIN SERVICES in Thonon
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MORPHO presents LUMIO, the luminescent snowshoe
MORPHO is proud to announce new winter 15/16 LUMIO© luminescent Snowshoe, another revolutionary invention of MORPHO, Made in France.
This innovation was very well perceived at ISPO exhibition in München beginning of February 2015

Repeat order from NATO awarded to MORPHO
A NATO European army reorders MORPHO snowshoes, after the first successful delivery of 2013
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100% TOP reviews by end users for MORPHO snowshoes in USA
MORPHO range snowshoes and accessories now available in USA, thanks to on line retailer AMAZON.COM
100% TOP reviews of our snowshoes by end users, year to date

Witness from Canada, BC: MORPHO, the best snowshoes on the market
Melanie K., a long time MORPHO Ultimalp snowshoes user, sends us by mail a spontaneous feedback and wants to buy absolutely the same style Ultimalp, ten years after; We are looking for dealers in British Columbia
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MORPHO in USA Snowshoe magazine
Comprehensive article about "le style Français" by MORPHO snowshoes published in Snowshoe Magazine
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Witness from Canada, BC: MORPHO, the best snowshoes on the market

Somewhere around 2002, I was in a small alpine ski village about two hundred miles from where I live - in a sporting outfitters shop called "Valhalla Outfitters" in Smithers, British Columbia. My husband and I decided to get each other snowshoes for Christmas that year. We were looking at aluminum framed snowshoes and the clerk asked us if we wanted to try some new type snowshoes that he had just received. They were the Morpho
snowshoes - much like what I just ordered. I laughed at first because they were plastic, and at that time, that was something pretty new. He told us to take his top quality aluminum shoes and the morphos for the afternoon up on the ski hill and try them both. We tried them and we found that the aluminum ones were far less superior than the morphos. I could not get over the ease and quality of the bindings. The aluminum ones caught on each other causing tripping - while the morphos glided past each other. We fell in love with snowshoeing and we are out on the mountains and through the bush and forests constantly. Unfortunately, the dealer stopped carrying them in around 2004. I contacted them regarding a problem that we were having with the little black square plastic keepers falling out, and he was carrying MSR snowshoes because they were cheaper. My husband simply poured hot glue in where the keepers had fallen out - he filled in the entire hole - and it worked. The last couple of years we have retired and use the same snowshoes daily while putting in three to four hours or more per day. I want a new pair as I am scared that because of the age of the snowshoes, that they may break and I will be without snowshoeing for six or eight weeks. To be honest, I am worried dealing with a dealer so far away, but I have tried MSR's and Tubbs new flex snowshoes - and they are no where in the same league as yours. When it is twenty or thirty below zero and you are having to deal with buckles and uncomfortable bindings with your bare fingers - then it is easy to justify a little more money. We are pretty serious about our snowshoeing. The fact that we still have our original snowshoes speaks for itself. If there was a dealer here in western Canada, I am sure that they would be a very big selling snowshoe. Many more people are now snowshoeing and everybody who looks at the quality of our snowshoes are so impressed, but disappointed that there is no dealer
here in British Columbia. You have an exceptional product.
On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 9:10 PM, JMM <> wrote:
Hi, Thanks-
How did you know about our snowshoes, just for our info ?
With best regards, JM mechelany
From: Mike Keating []
Sent: jeudi 13 décembre 2012 23:26
Subject: Re: Re : Re: Morpho : Bon de commande- CO1822 KEATING
Hi Again,
Money order is on the way. Thanks for your help and for making such a great snowshoe!
Regards, Melanie Keating.
Melanie Keating
7 Grouse Street
Kitimat, British Columbia
Canada V8C - 1P7